Medals are prestigious awards that are worn on a cadets uniform. These medals can be awarded at the cadet corps.
The Lord Strathcona Medal (LSM) is the highest Award which can be bestowed upon a Cadet in recognition of exemplary performance in physical and military training.
The Medal and the accompanying Certificate of Merit are awarded by the Lord Strathcona Trust. The issue and wearing of the LSM is authorized by the Chief of the Defence Staff. Each Army Cadet corps has the opportunity to award one medal in each training year, but the award of the medal is to be based solely on the availability of a worthy candidate. Awarding the LSM annually is not mandatory and is not a matter of any custom for a particular appointment or by seniority alone.
This medal is selected by the Commanding Officer on the advice of corps officers and NCOs.
2017 – Sgt A. Duffin
2016 – WO D. Meek
2015 – WO C. Stewart
2014 – CWO M. Berry
2013 – CWO St-Amand
2011 – WO R.G.D. Knechtel
2010 – WO R. Gilchrist
2009 – Nil
2008 – Sgt D.J.G. Longpré
2005 – CWO K. Haines
2000 – WO Recoskie
This medal is presented to a cadet who, over many years, has actively participated in community service activities and works exceptionally well with fellow cadets, volunteers and unit officers. The cadet must also consistently promote esprit de corps, comradeship, goodwill, and enhance the image of cadets in their local community. The cadet must have fulfilled all requirements of the corps local headquarters annual mandatory training program and participated in 75% of the optional training. In addition the cadet must have participated in at least three community service events, in addition to the corps supported programs.
This medal is selected by the Commanding Officer on the advice of corps officers and NCOs.
2017 – Sgt K. Slusar
2016 – WO T. Crigger
2015 – WO D. Meek
2014 – MWO B. Levair
2013 – MWO Berry
2011 – WO C. St-Amand
2010 – WO R.G.D. Knechtel
2009 – WO R. Gilchrist
2008 –
no recipient
2007 – Sgt D.J.G. Longpré
2006 – MWO Zadow
2005 – MWO Devin Rupert
2004 – MWO K. Haines
2003 – MWO J. Holland
2002 – Unknown or unawares
2001 – WO Ryan Stevenson
2000 – WO von Dungern
This medal is presented to an Army Cadet that has successfully completed four years of honourable service within the Canadian cadet program. Single bars are awarded for each additional year.
Four Years
2016 – Sgt J. Derouin
2015 – WO C. Hamilton, WO W.D. Meek, WO C. Stewart
2013 – WO B. Levair
Five Years
2016 – CWO C. Hamilton, MWO C. Stewart
Six Years
2017 – CWO C. Hamilton, CWO C. Stewart
2014 – CWO M. Berry
2013 – CWO R. Knechtel
2011 – CWO D.J.G. Longpré
Top level trophies, awarded to top cadets who meet or exceed the criteria for these local unit trophies.
The recipient of the Commanding Officer’s Award is a senior cadet (Sergeant and above, when selected for the award), who has proven to be a strong instructor within the program, mentor to the junior cadets, and team player to their peers during the current training year. The cadet has exemplified loyalty to their subordinates, superiors, unit, and community. This award is selected and presented by the Commanding Officer.
2017 – Sgt A. Duffin
2016 – WO T. Crigger
2000 – WO von Dungern
1999 – Sgt Amyotte, MBdr Gauthier
The recipient of the Top Junior Cadet Award is a junior cadet (Master Bombardier and below, when selected for the award), who has excelled in drill, dress, and deportment in the current training year. In addition, this cadet has done well in their star level training and has a strong attendance record.
This award is selected by the cadet corps’ Commanding Officer with the advice of the corps staff and senior cadets.
2017 – Gnr R. Leclerc
2016 – Bdr B. Kuehl
Awarded to the cadet who has shown steady improvement in one or more of the following areas: overall attitude, drill, dress, deportment, training, leadership, initiative, and/or confidence. This cadet displays a willingness to learn and advance. In addition, the cadet takes corrective criticism positively, and continues to develop their skills.
This award is selected by the cadet corps’ Commanding Officer with the advice of the corps staff and senior cadets.
C/Lt Hudson was a member of 2677 during the 1970’s. Tragically, in 1975, C/Lt Hudson was struck by a vehicle in Petawawa. C/Lt Hudson was a dedicated member to the unit, and both the Officers and Cadets were affected deeply by his sudden passing. In honour of C/Lt Hudson, the Commanding Officer established the “Terry Hudson Memorial Trophy: Most Improved Cadet”, so that dedication and commitment to excellence can be awarded to a cadet annually, in the memory of an exemplary Army Cadet: C/Lt Terry Hudson.
C/Lt Terry Hudson: 7 Oct 1959 – 1 Oct 1975
2017 – Gnr C. Smith
2016 – Bdr A. Degeer
2015 – Not awarded
2014 – MBdr J. Nagora
2013 – MBdr Kidd
2012 – WO S. Felix
2011 – Gnr J. Leskie
2010 – Gnr Stahn
2009 – MBdr Ethier
2008 – Bdr St. Amand
2006 – Bdr Dulong
2006 – MBdr Cameron
2004 – MWO Haines
2004 – Gnr Metcalfe
2000 – WO Amyotte (Sr) & Bdr Jowett (Jr)
1999 – WO Willot (Sr) & Gnr Stevenson (Jr)
1995 – Sgt Pare
1995 – Cdt Meharrie
1994 – WO Turcotte
1994 – Cdt Belair
1993 – Cpl A. Pare
1992 – Cdt Tremblay
1991 – Cdt Charles
The recipient of the Esprit-de-Corps Award is awarded to a cadet who is positive, motivating towards their peers, and works hard to make the unit a better place. This cadet has a strong attendance record and is actively involved with the unit.
This award is selected by the cadet corps’ Commanding Officer with the advice of the corps staff.
Jim Purcell was a dedicated comrade of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 72 in Pembroke. In the 1970’s, Mr. Purcell was a key individual in approving the Pembroke Branch to come onboard as the cadet corps’ primary sponsor, a relationship that proudly continues to this day. Most notably in his later years, Mr. Purcell served as the Legion’s Liaison Officer to the cadet corps. Mr. Purcell was a passionate member of the Legion and a strong supporter of the cadet corps’. He was never shy to lend a a hand or encourage a cadet. It is fitting that this award is named in his honour: Jim Purcell 1932-2015.
2017 – Gnr D. Wilson
2016 – Bdr E. Belyea
2015 – MBdr M. Simpson
2012 – MBdr K. Nighswander (Male) & Cdt G. Guest (Female)
2011 – Gnr A. Fortune (Male) & Gnr C. Martin (Female)
2010 – Gnr K. Nighswander & MBdr M. Berry
2009 – Gnr Ferris & Bdr S. Felix
2008 – Sgt R. Gilchrist & MBdr T. Daley
2006 – Bdr D.J.G. Longpré
Presented to a cadet who excels in fieldcraft, bushcraft and outdoor training at the corps.
This award is selected by the cadet corps’ Commanding Officer with the advice of the corps staff.
Captain WA (Al) Tobio, CD served as Commanding Officer for 2677 from 1988-1994. After his retirement, Capt Tobio continued to serve the Canadian Cadet Movement as an executive member of the Army Cadet League of Canada, Ontario branch. Capt Tobio served over 40 years in the Canadian military, was a Korean War veteran and a UN peacekeeper. Capt Tobio was a strong believer in the Army Cadet Program, this award is named in his honour in recognition of his strong support.
Captain WA (Al) Tobio, CD: 3 Mar 1931 – 12 Mar 2012
2017 – Bdr D. Mainville
This trophy is presented to the Troop that accumulated the most points on a monthly basis throughout the cadet year including attendance, drill, dress, deportment, and community service participation.
2016-2017 – Bravo Troop
These awards are presented to those who meet or exceed the criteria for these unit awards.
Awarded to a cadet in the Green Star training level who has performed exceptionally well in all aspects of training, drill, dress and deportment. The cadet is one of the top in the subjects of citizenship, leadership, and the fitness/sports performance objectives. The recipient of the award is recommended by the Level Officer.
2016 – Bdr Z. Gallant
2014 – Gnr S. Meek, Gnr Duffin
2013 – Gnr Park
2002 – Gnr Zadow, Gnr Bradley
2000 – Gnr Normandeau
1999 – Cdt Ferri, Cdt Humphries
1995 – Cdt B. Snider
Awarded to a cadet in the Red Star training level who has performed exceptionally well in all aspects of training, drill, dress and deportment. The cadet is one of the top in the subjects of citizenship, leadership, fitness/sports, and bushcraft performance objectives. The recipient of the award is recommended by the Level Officer.
2017 – Bdr Z. Gallant
2016 – MBdr A. Ramsay
2014 – Bdr Norlock
2013 – Bdr Levair
2012 – Bdr T. Murphy
2011 – Bdr K. Nighswander
2002 – Bdr D. Rupert
2000 – Gnr Thielman
1999 – Cdt Godin
1997 – Gnr M. Thomas
1995 – Bdr M. McCulloch
1994 – Gnr J Caron
1993 – Cpl J. Burgess
1992 – Cpl C.J.D. Castro
1988 – CWO B. Hartwig
1981 – Lt B.B. Whalen & Lt A.M. Jaeger
1981 – Capt M.S. Spriggs
1978 – Sgt B.M. Heney
Awarded to a cadet in the Silver Star training level who has performed exceptionally well in all aspects of training, drill, dress and deportment. The cadet is one of the top in the subjects of citizenship, leadership, and instructional techniques performance objectives. The recipient of the award is recommended by the Level Officer.
2016 – Sgt Aiden Duffin
2014 – Sgt Ratcliffe
2013 – MBdr Murphy
2004 – Sgt Devin Rupert
2000 – Sgt Stevenson
1999 – Gnr Buch
Awarded to a cadet in the Gold Star training level who has performed exceptionally well in all aspects of training, drill, dress and deportment. The cadet is one of the top in thesubjects of citizenship, leadership, and instructional techniques performance objectives. In addition, the cadet has proven to be a strong instructor. The recipient of the award is recommended by the Level Officer.
2017 – Sgt A. Duffin
2016 – WO T. Crigger
2013 – Sgt Nighswander
1999 – Sgt Amyotte
Awarded to a cadet in the Master Cadet training level who has performed exceptionally well in all aspects of training, drill, dress and deportment. In addition, the cadet has proven to be a strong instructor and activity organizer. The recipient of the award is recommended by the Level Officer.
Before 2015-2016, the award was given to the top National Star Certificate Exam (NSCE) cadets.
2016 – MWO D. Meek
Presented to cadets who attended 100% of mandatory training, with the exception of one activity (if that cadet was properly excused). Attendance is tracked throughout the training year and verified at the end of the training year.
2017 – Gnr A. Mackie, Sgt A. Duffin, Gnr X. Cupelli, CWO C. Hamilton, Gnr N. Demont, Gnr C. Smith, Gnr R. Leclerc.
2016 – Sgt A. Duffin, Bdr Z. Gallant, Bdr E. Belyea, Sgt S. Meek, Bdr D. Mainville, Bdr R. Thompson.
Selected by the Head Band Instructor, this award is presented to a cadet on the unit’s Pipes & Drums Band who excels in music and dedication to the band. This award can be shared between a Junior and Senior cadet, should the circumstance warrant.
2018 – X
Selected by the Biathlon Coach, this award is presented to a cadet on the unit’s Biathlon team who excels in training, physical fitness, and competition. This award can be shared between a Junior and Senior cadet, should the circumstance warrant.
2018 –
Selected by the Drill Team Coach, this Award is presented to a cadet on the unit’s Drill Team that demonstrates superior drill, dress and deportment during practices and competition. This award can be shared between a Junior and Senior cadet, should the circumstance warrant.
2017 – Sgt K. Slusar
2016 – Bdr Z. Gallant (Junior), WO WD Meek & WO C Hamilton (Senior)
2012 – Cdt J. Levair
2011 – Bdr E. Biggs
2010 – Sgt B.J. Keuhl
2004 – Gnr Turcotte
1999 – Cdt Ferri
Selected by the Marksmanship Coach, this award is presented to a cadet on the unit’s marksmanship team that demonstrates a keen interest in the shooting program and who excels in the elements of marksmanship. This award can be shared between a Junior and Senior cadet, should the circumstance warrant.
2017 – CWO C. Stewart
2016 – Bdr B. Kuehl (Junior), Sgt I. Hallock (Senior)
2015 – MBdr I. Hallock
2014 – WO C. Kidd & Sgt C. Hamilton
2012 – CWO R. Knechtel
2010 – Sgt Keuhl
2009 – MBdr St. Amand & Gnr J. Knechtel
2004 – Sgt Zadow
2002 – MWO Stevenson
2000 – WO von Dungern
1999 – Gnr Corbeil
1995 – Cdt J Cox
1994 – Sgt C. Castro
1993 – Cpl A. Solmes
1991 – WO J. Rowntree
1990 – Cdt J. Rowntree
1989 – Cpl S. Wilson
1988 – Cdt J.P. Guay
1987 – Cpl R. Hagan
1986 – LCpl S. Townson
1985 – Cdt D. Peplinski
1984 – LCpl S. Tooley
1983 – Cdt K. Poulin
1982 – Cdt K. Anderson
1981 – Lt A. Jaeger
1980 – Lt A. Jaeger
1979 – Capt L. Pixley
1978 – Cdt J. Fischer
1977 – Cdt J. Mielke
1976 – Cdt R. Wharry
1973 – Cdt Ml Pylypow
1972 – Capt Lamb
1971 – Lt Lamb
1970 – Capt Cyr
1968 – Sgt M. Gregoire
Selected by the Orienteering Coach, this award is presented to a cadet on the unit’s Orienteering team who excels in map work, teamwork, and physical fitness. This award can be shared between a Junior and Senior cadet, should the circumstance warrant.
2017 – Gnr Xander Cupelli
2016 – Sgt S. Meek
Presented to a cadet who excels in physical fitness and regular sporting events at the corps. The cadet has obtained a high level of physical fitness qualification (Gold or Excellence), and encourages others to do well during physical fitness activities. This award is selected by the Training Officer on the advice of corps officers and NCOs.
2017 – Gnr C. Kelly
2016 – MBdr A. Ramsay
2015 – WO W. Meek, Bdr A. Pynn, MBdr S. Meek
2013 – Sgt Nighswander & Bdr Meek (Male) / MWO Berry & Bdr Guest (Female)
2012 – MBdr K. Nighswander & Cdt G. Guest
2011 – WO J. Bryanton (Male) & MBdr M. Berry (Female)
2010 – Sgt St. Amand & Sgt Bryanton
2009 – MBdr Knechtel & MBdr St. Amand
2008 – Gnr Aird & Bdr Bryanton
2006 – Bdr MacInnis
2000 – Sgt Godin
1999 – Sgt Amyotte
1995 – MBdr Caron
1994 – Sgt Lavigne
1994 – Sgt C. Castro
1993 – Cpl Pare
1991 – Pte Beauchamp
Commanding Officer's Commendations formally recognize individuals who go above and beyond in duty to the cadet corps.
There are many examples of traditions that build camaraderie in a military environment, but few are as well-respected as the practice of carrying a challenge coin—a small medallion or token that recognizes an individual for an exemplary action, duty or merit. It is intended to be issued with a minimum of formality.
The Coin is awarded strictly at the discretion of the Commanding Officer.
Mrs. L. Demont, Gnr R. Leclerc, Sgt A. Duffin, Capt (Ret'd) W. Lavergne, Sgt I. Hallock, Mrs. J. Gallant, Mr. J. Wilson, CWO C. Stewart.
Bdr D. Mainville, Mrs Zwaantje Van Dyken, Mrs W. Hallock
Mr. S. Cupelli, Mrs. M. Byers, Mrs. K. Stewart
Each Commanding Officer’s Parade, a deserving cadet is recognized for their exemplary commitment to their drill, dress, and deportment. The individual is presented with a certificate, and is entitled to wear the “Top Cadet” brassard during the set period authorized by the Commanding Officer.
September – MBdr E. Belyea
February – Bdr C. Smith
October – Cdt X. Cupelli
December – Cdt. N. Baker
March – Cdt D. Wilson
April – Gnr D. Wilson
Some cadets may choose to apply for the Canadian Armed Forces Basic Parachute Course at the Canadian Army Advanced Warfare Centre, in Trenton. There they’ll complete the necessary training to get them to the Mock Tower. The mock tower is used to simulate exiting an aircraft while parachuting. Upon completion of the mock tower phase of the training, candidates enter the “J ” (jump) stage of their course. 2677 is one of the few army cadet corps across Canada who conduct Mock Tower Jump Days, where each cadet has the opportunity to jump from the tower and simulate what it would be like to be a military parachutist. A short video on the mock tower can be seen
These tower wings are presented to a cadet who has completed three successful descents from a Mock Tower.
November 2010
WO B. Keuhl
Sgt M. Berry
Sgt S. Felix
Sgt B. Levair
MBdr R. Connaughan
MBdr K. Nighswander
MBdr S. Stahn
CWO D.J.G. Longpré
Awarded to a cadet who retires from the cadet corps (by age or graduation from the program). Also awarded to a member of the staff who retires after more than one year of service to the corps.
CWO C. Stewart
CWO C. Hamilton, Sgt A. Belyea, Cpl J. Smith, CI D.A. Raddatz