Volunteer - Fund - Aid


2677 is very fortunate to have a dedicated team of volunteers who for our Support Committee. While the military staff (CIC officers, Regular/Reserve Force volunteers) handle training, the Support Committee looks after a number of areas including organizing fundraising activities, coordinating canteen refreshments on parade nights, organizing food on weekend activities, assist with publicizing our amazing program, soliciting sponsorships and much more. The committee is comprised of cadet parents (past and present), former cadets, and community leaders. New members are always welcome!

If you would like to help, we’d love to hear from you – simply send us an email   .

You can join the Support Committee and be a regular contributor, or you can just volunteer on occasion when you have spare time.


Chair Steve Cupelli
Vice Chair Kara Stewart
Treasurer Janice Wilson
Secretary Jennifer Gallant
Directors: Fundraising Laura Demont
Director: Canteen & Kit Shop Joseph Wilson
Director: Public Relations Mary Chartrand
Director: Recruiting Vacant
Director: Special Events Vacant

Ex Officio Member Cadet Corps Commanding Officer

League Liaison Officer Captain (ret’d) Ursula Matchett

(Primary Sponsor) Legion Liaison Officer Comrade Bernie Locke


Executive Meetings

The Executive of the Sponsoring Committee meets once every 1-2 months.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Our AGM is held yearly in June. Please see calendar for details. All parents are encouraged to attend. Attendance of Screened Sponsoring Committee Members is mandatory so a quorum can be declared and the election of board members can proceed.

Parent Information Meetings

The officer staff periodically hold Parent Information Meetings throughout the training year. Please check the calendar and announcements for dates and location.